I am headed over this morning to pick the last of the hybrid blackberries from my mother-in-laws bush. We made black berry preserves about three weeks ago and so I'm going to make cobbler this morning. We went to Ray's IGA last night in Columbia, AL and got our necessary ingredients with the main staple of Breyer's Vanilla ice cream. Which brings me to another topic; I love, love, love all the exoctic flavors of ice cream and i spend several minutes when I finally make my mind up to splurge in the moment to buy, I look and try to decide what it is I really want to spend my calories on. Billy (husband) ususally always chooses VANILLA! Or if we're really splurging he has a Vanilla Milkshake or sometimes he may go out on a limb and get a chocolate milkshake..Anyway, that's the way he's wired but I truly love all of the different new flavors. Some I like are birthday cake by Blue Bell and then of course cookies and cream (a favorite)....Strawberry cheesecake is good but I usually gravitate to a flavor with chocolate in the title or in the description...Gotta Go and pick! pick! pick!

The Finished Product