When you hear the word cancer, our heartbeat quickens and our fears rush in. It's a natural response to a dreaded disease. As we begin to muddle through the emotions and endure through the process of accepting what is, the blessings begin to show up in the most obscure ways. Little things become huge and gratitude becomes the order of the day. If you have yet escaped battling the "C" word with yourself or loved ones, my heart is with you. If you are like others of us, we find "God Winks" daily in prayers and healing devotions, a good doctor's report, an unexpected phone call from an old friend or a dose of humor to carry us into tomorrow. Being able to say at the end of each day, "I've had a good day" means so much when we are thankful for the little things and are able to spend precious moments with the ones we love. As the "Reason for the Season" approaches fast and furious and we all make out lists and check them twice, don't forget to look for the "Blessings in Disguise" we are handed daily in our doses of life.
Blessings and Thanksgiving to all. Lori