Well again it's been three months since I blogged last. Time marches on, summer blew in and out and the weather is beginning to change....The humidity is still present in south Georgia, USA. Summer was filled with a few little vacay's that meant a whole lot and my business partners/friends just got back from a women's conference in Orlando featuring Beth Moore and a couple other speakers. The rally of 10,000 women in one center for the weekend was an episode that I had not experienced before. Anyway, we were revived and rejuvinated; now we continue to "rest in our faith" as we face our daily challenges and life experiences.. There are new and excititng changes with Lori's Holiday (my design business that God has called me to). A dose of God's grace that has been in the works for awhile. I'm amazed but remember that God's timing is better than mine so I diligently continue to do what's in front of me and keep praising and thanking him for all my many blessings. Our world is precious and we have so many things to be thankful for...My life is better for owning a small dog. Roger, has my heart. He has been with me for a little over a year and has been through a lot of drama with me; my father's sickness and death, both daughter leaving the nest, my craziness in dealing with both, never complaining of anything. I'm grateful that this little fella came to live with me last August. Thank you Alden for finding Roger and bringing him home and thank you God for giving Roger and me new life. Happy Fall, Y'all.