Time. In recovery zone, we say it stands for "Things I Must Earn." It's been three months since I last blogged and it seems like yesterday. The events and happenings have been and gone and still keep showing up. For me, God is everywhere and keeps things showing up at just the right time. Why do I question or doubt? My faith wanes at times and I hope to have the word tatooed on my ankle by the end of the summer to keep it in the forefront at all time reminding myself that we all can have it if we know how to tap into it. People, places, things keep showing up at just the right "time" and I believe that "timing is everything." My life has been one big time and as I wake each morning and say my gratitudes, I realize time is my constant at my fingertips and I must seize the moment. I can't control a family member's timing or a friend's. I can either "get it" or not. This summer, I plan to slow my schedule and watch the time and know where my days, hours, minutes and seconds are spent so that one day when reflecting, I'll remember that when referring to Summer 2009 - it was an memorable "time" of my life.