Friday, September 17, 2010

A Girl's gotta do what a Girl's gotta do...

Director Certificate
We fluctuate, give and take, ebb and flow, put things on the back-burner; only to bring things back, FULL STEAM AHEAD...Does this sound familiar to anyone? I can procrastinate like the best of them and then as the deadline approaches, develop a calm state that even scares me  after the fact....My days have been busy here at The Bus Station and developing my new business; Visalus As Napoleon Hill said"When the student is ready, the teacher will appear." Well apparently, I was ready and I'm learning fast and furious everyday. I'm loving the business, meeting new people and that's really what it's all about. Not to mention dropping a few pounds, losing inches and getting healthier every step of the way..It makes my heart dance when I can hear another success story realizing that the products that I represent are making a difference in someone's life. I achieved the "Rising Star" status which was actually kind of nice to receive a certificate in the mail along with two achievement pins. It reminds me of my days of old when I worked for a company in PA in the late 80's that sold mobile phones or as we call them today, our lifeline cell phone. Anyway, there were many perks, pins, certificates, plaques, trips and so on..but then something wonderful happened. I became a Mother and all that kind of got tossed aside and was able to become a stay at home Mom to two beautiful daughters; 19 years later, my sales experience back in full swing, I continue... on this journey of wellness, turning people on to an amazing product. It's been an overwhelming month and looking forward to each day with anticipation and gratefulness.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Remember the DAYS?

Alden Lori Rogers
The season is here, we all know it. Football is here. Fall weather is playing around with us here in South Georgia but we KNOW it's on it's way. There's one I know in Athens, GA that thinks she's died and gone to heaven; our daughter Alden. We moved her up mid August to her "country club" of an apartment community and got busy decorating and stocking her crib with all the necessities. Frequent trips to Goodwill made me warm and fuzzy inside when I found that perfect vacuum for $10. She's having the time of her life and she well deserves it. She traveled the hard road for awhile but realized she had a dream of moving into a new phase of her journey and she conquered it.  She's doing well in her classes and is keeping downtown Athens part of the forefront. Her family is proud and she will be coming home next weekend for a friend's wedding and we are excited for her return to our little corner of the world. Here are some photos that I managed to capture from Facebook so that you may relive the days...
Go Dawgs!

Gettin' ready

Her room ~ Artwork we did this summer getting ready.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Thus Far.....

I have to keep reminding myself to keep my dates straight. With much going on in my personal family life, my thoughts are distracted at times. However, through God and proper living tools, I can remain "somewhat" grounded. The Visalus Program has been a tremendous outlet as my daughter was diagnosed with mental illness four days into signing as an ESS. I managed with the help of God and faithful friends to achieve "rising star" status in a week and am on target for Regional Director by the end of September. Where is the energy coming from to get up and continue as my daughter "battles her demons"? I know.  I immediately signed her up in the business the first week, knowing that Visalus would provide an outlet for her as she rebuilds her life with healthy, positive people and products to repair her brokeness.
We are now moving into the middle of September, I started drinking shakes almost one month ago, (Aug.16th) to lose a few pounds. Never to do the business. After five days of drinking shakes, I had more energy and the pounds were beginning to dissipate to the point that my pants were loose. I had a story to tell and I knew in my heart that many of my friends and family would benefit from Visalus. That's all it took for me to convince myself that there was a very productive opportunity waiting in the wings. I am hovering around the 10 pound weight loss mark and have lost 2 inches off my waist-line in 2 weeks. Now that's progress. I carry my weight around my middle, (the most dangerous for women). Today,  I feel very satisfied with my body as I continue to grow healthier with every shake and every vitamin I intake.  
I'm excited today even as my heartaches for my daughter. She too, will reach many goals within the company. Following guidance and direction from a loving God and family who loves her dearly, her mental and physical health will return, as all the proper tools are used; the rest will follow.
Peace and Blessings to ALL!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Gaining Momentum

Lodge at Red Pebble Plantation ~ Rebecca, GA. I had the privilege of decorating back in  2007
A view of one of the fish ponds on the property...
One of the dining areas in Great Room
The weekend has been filled once again with challenges and triumphs. We start a new week with hope and promise as I remember my blessings and thankful for all things..I celebrated my birthday on Sept. 9th in the beautiful quite surrounding of Red Pebble Plantation in Rebecca, GA with old and new friends. What would we do without our relationships? Here are some photo's of the landscape and beauty of this amazing paradise...

In the Woods, on the 3600 acres of God's Country.

